In recent days, those of you visiting FYRE.IS have witnessed a transformation: a change in colors, name, and logo. Rest assured, your senses haven’t deceived you. ๐ Indeed, the original name, FYRE.IS, left many puzzled, save for those few who deciphered “FaithfulY REconstructing” from our tagline. Unfortunately, it also evoked memories of the notorious Fyre Festival. […]
Alistair (Begg) Affair
Introduction In a recent interview about his book ‘The Christian Manifesto,’ Scottish Pastor Alistair Begg’s advice for a grandmother to attend her grandson’s gay wedding has ignited controversy. Originally stated last year, these comments resurfaced, sparking heated debates. The backlash was swift, with actions such as American Family Radio dropping his show ‘Truth For Life’ after over […]
Reconstructing Society with Christian Self-Government
Introduction Facing critiques that Christians aren’t effectively addressing societal issues, it’s essential to revisit Christ’s teachings and the Biblical mandate for societal engagement. The Bible asserts Christ’s authority over all creation, calling Christians to actively participate in societal transformation, beyond mere spiritual involvement. Christian Self-Governance, an integral concept in Christian Reconstructionism, merges the Cultural Mandate […]
Wyoming HB0152: Right to Life โ Sometimes?
Introduction Wyoming HB0152 vs. The Act to Abolish and Nullify Abortion Wyoming’s Wyoming HB0152, or the Life is a Human Right Act, ranks among the stricter abortion laws but suffers from contradictions that undermine its purpose and goals. This critique illuminates those shortcomings and introduces our alternative, “The Act to Abolish and Nullify Abortion,” a […]